Stavros Christodoulou
Hotel Național / Hotel National
--a novel-
Translation from Greek: Christina CHRISTODOULOU-TODEA
Foreword: Chrysa FANTI
The author's foreword to the Romanian edition
2022, 246 p., € 6.5
ISBN 978-606-8916-27-9
Stelios Mafredas
Pasager pe feribot. Poeme / Passenger on a ferry boat. Poems
Selection, chronological table and translation: Elena LAZĂR
The poet's foreword to the Romanian edition
Introductory study: Theodosis PYLARINOS
Bilingual edition, 2022, 264 p., € 6.5
ISBN 978-606-8916-28-6
Ana Blandiana, Ion Pop, Spyros Kokkinakis, Antonis Fostieris
Greek-Romanian Poetical Tetralogue Salutation: Sofia GRAMMATA,
Ambassador of Greece to Romania Foreword: Academician Eugen SIMION
Translation: Edith-Adriana UNCU (Romanian to Greek), Elena LAZĂR (Greek
to Romanian) Revision of Greek translation: Michalis PAPPAS Bilingual
edition, 2022, 192 p., € 9.5 ISBN 978-606-8916-24-8
Constantin Caracaș
Topografia Țării Românești / Topography of Wallachia
Second edition Editor, introductory study and additional notes:Georgeta
FILITTI Foreword: Danae STAMBOULI Romanian-Greek bilingual edition,
2021, 448 p.+24 colour pages containing 80 illustrations and two maps, € 13
ISBN 978-606-8916-25-5
Mihaela Bachmann
Ana, Mona, Butterflies and Stars
Ilustration: Maria Carpathia
2021, 64 p., full color, € 5
ISBN 978-606-8916-26-2
Într-o epocă de contestări. Poeme / In an Epoch of Contestations. Poems
Translation by Elena LAZĂR
Foreword by Takis MAVROTAS
Introductory study by Thanasis Th. NIARHOS
The poetʼs foreword to the Romanian edition
Bilingual edition. 2021, 256 p., € 9.5
ISBN 978-606-8916-21-7
In the Heart of a Window. Poems / În inima ferestrei. Poeme
Translation in Romanian: Ada SOFINETI, Dan and Florina VERONA
Translation in Greek: Evghenia TSELENTI
A word of welcome: Dan VERONA
Trilingual edition (English-Greek-Romanian). 2021, 288 p., € 9.5
ISBN 978-606-8916-23-1
Puncte de convergență între gândirea politică bizantină și cea a Evului Mediu Occidental: Eustathios al Thessalonicului despre zorii vieții sociale și ai dezvoltării civilizației / Points of Intersection between Byzantine and Western Medieval Political Thought: Eustathius of Thessalonica on the Origins of Social Life and the Evolution of Civilization
Translation by Edith-Adriana UNCU
Foreword by the author to the Romanian edition
Bilingual edition. 2021, 120 p., € 4.5
ISBN 978-606-8916-22-4
Limba ca vehicul de civilizație. Iradierea limbii grecești /Language as a Civilization Vector. Influence of the Greek Language
Foreword by the author
Translation: Elena LAZĂR
Bilingual edition, OMONIA-UER PRESS, 2020, 104 p.
ISBN 978-606-8916-15-6; ISBN 978-606-9013-06-9
Astă-seară nu avem prieteni /No Friends Tonight
Foreword by the author
Translation: Elena LAZĂR
Afterword: Theodoros Papanghelis
2020, 240 p.
ISBN 978-606-8916-16-3
Antonis Mystakidis Mesevrinos. Monografie / Antonis Mystakidis Mesevrinos. A Monograph
Translation: Elena LAZĂR
Bilingual edition, 2020, 328 p.+24 p. color illustrations
ISBN 978-606-8916-17-0

Jurnalul călătoriei de studii în Grecia, la Muntele Athos și la Constantinopol (1931)/Travel Notes from the fact-finding trip to Greece, to Mount Athos and to Constantinople (1931)
Edition by: Mihai ȚIPĂU
Translation into Greek: Mihai ȚIPĂU, Ștefan PETRESCU
Foreword: Elena LAZĂR
Bilingual edition. 2020, 400 p.+ 4 p. color illustrations
ISBN 978-606-8916-18-7

Nemurirea fiecărei zile. Poeme / Each Day’s Immortality. Poems
Selection, chronological table and translation: Elena LAZĂR
Introductory study: Theodosis PYLARINOS
The poet’s foreword to the Romanian edition
Bilingual edition. 2020, 240 p.
ISBN 978-606-8916-19-4
Jurnalul unei infidelități / Diary of an Infidelity
Translation from Neo-Greek: Christina CHRISTODOULOU-TODEA
Foreword: Yorgos MOLESKIS
With a note of the author for the Romanian edition
2020, 256 p.
ISBN 978-606-8916-20-0
Influența greacă asupra limbii române/ Greek Influence on the Romanian Language
Trilingual edition (Romanian, Greek, English). 2019, 104 p.
Translation into Greek: Tudor DINU
Translation into English: James Christian BROWN
ISBN 978-606-8916-10-1
Yorgos Seferis între diplomație și poezie/ Yorgos Seferis between Diplomacy and Poetry
Bilingual edition. 2019, 128 p., EUR. 4.5
Foreword by the author Translation: Tudor DINU, Georgiana MOSCU
Edition: Tudor DINU 
ISBN 978-606-8916-09-5
Doi umaniști greci în Italia: Mihail Sofianos și Teodor Rentios/Two Greek Humanists in Italy: Mihail Sofianos and Teodor Rentios
2019, 216 p., EUR.7.5
Edition by Father Vasile V. MUNTEAN
About the author, by academician Emilian POPESCU
ISBN 978-606-8916-11-8

Topografie elementară sau Geografia politică a insulei Cipru/Basic Topography or the Political Geography of the Island of Cyprus
Bilingual edition. 2019, 150 p.
Translation: Christina CHRISTODOULOU-TODEA
Foreword by Andreas Kl. SOFOKLEOUS
Epilogue: Charalambos CHRISTODOULOU
ISBN 978-606-8916-14-9
Poeme și Proze / Poems and Prose Writings
Bilingual edition. 2018, 288 p., EUR. 5.6
Foreword by Grete TARTLER
Introduction and chronology by Thalia IERONYMAKI
Translation by Elena LAZĂR and Grete TARTLER
ISBN 978-606-8916-05-7
Cuvinte salvate / Saved Words
(Poeme 2004-2018) (Poems 2004-2018)
2018, 96 p., EUR.4.5
ISBN 978-606-8916-06-4
Olya. Două ierni și o primăvară / Olya. Two Winters and one Spring
2018, 256 p., EUR.5.6
Foreword by the author
Translation by Elena LAZĂR
ISBN 978-606-8916-07-1
Topografia Țării Românești / Topography of Wallachia
Bilingual edition. 2018, 448 p.+24 p. pages containing 80 illustrations and two maps, EUR.8.7
Editor, introductory study and additional notes: Georgeta FILITTI
Foreword by Danae STAMBOULI
ISBN 978-606-8916-08-8
The Poetic Alphabet
English edition
Selection and introductory study by Liviu FRANGA
Epilogue by Jacques BOUCHARD
Edition in 12 languages under the care of Elena LAZĂR and Liviu FRANGA
Foreword by H.E. Andreas ZAIMIS and Professor Emmanouel YANNAKOUDAKIS
Sponsor’s greeting: Ekaterini SOFIANOU
Volume illustrated with works by painter Gheorghe I. ANGHEL
2017, 504 p., EUR. 30.5
ISBN 978-606-8916-00-2

E.MOUTSOPOULOS, The intentional consciousness
2017, 214 p., EUR. 6.5
ISBN 978-606-8916-03-3
Translation from French, translator's note, notes and afterword as The intentionality of the consciousness: from phenomenology to neurosciences and back. The attitude of Evanghelos Moutsopoulos towards the phenomenology of the consciousness / Intenţionalitatea conștiinței: de la fenomenologie la neuroștiințe și înapoi. Atitudinea lui Evanghelos Moutsopoulos față de fenomenologia conştiinţei by Ana BAZAC


STELLA PRIOVOLOU, Rădăcinile greco-romane ale Europei la gânditorii europeni / The Greek and Roman Roots of Europe with European Thinkers
2017, 108 p., Eur.4.8
ISBN 978-606-8916-01-9
Foreword by the author to the Romanian edition
Translation by Elena LAZĂR
VIVIAN AVRAAMIDOU-PLOUMBI, Famagusta. Urme pierdute în nisip / Famagusta. Footprints Lost in the Sand
2017, 304 p., Eur.7.8
ISBN 978-606-8916-02-6
Foreword by the author to the Romanian edition
Translation by Christina CHRISTODOULOU-TODEA
TITOS PATRIKIOS, Pretutindeni te găsește poezia. Poeme / Poetry Finds You Wherever You Are. Poems
Bilingual edition. 2017, 104 p., Eur. 4.8
ISBN 978-606-8916-04-0
Introductory study bu: Eleni ANTONIADOU
Selection, foreword and translation by Andreas RADOS
Rigas Velestinlis and the Romanian Lands
Bilingual edition. 2016, 208 p., € 22
ISBN 978-973-8319-97-4
Foreword by Athanasios E. KARATHANASIS
A Word from Sponsor Nikolaos STAMBOULIS
Translalion in Greek by Alexandra LOUIZOU, Tudor DINU
ELENA LAZĂR, Romanian-Cypriot Relations. An Illustrated History
2016, 248 p. with 300 colour illustrations, € 15.8
ISBN 978-973-8319-98-1
Foreword by Mamas KOUTSOYIANNIS
Translation by Caterina RADU
DESPINA-IRINI TSOURKA-PAPASTATHI, The Greek Commercial Company in Sibiu, Transylvania 1636-1848. Organization and Law
2016, 220 p., € 7.5
ISBN 978-973-8319-59-2
Translation by Olga CICANCI
NICHOLAS MAVROCORDATO, Răgazurile lui Filotheos (The Leisure Hours of Philotheos)
Bilingual edition, 2015, 264 p.+8 p. colour illustrations, 10.5 €
ISBN 978-973-8319-96-7
Text, introduction, notes and index: Jacques BOUCHARD
Foreword: G. Th. DIMARAS
Translation from Greek and French, supplementary notes and bibliography: Claudiu SFIRSCHI-LĂUDAT
Bilingual edition, 2015, 184 p., € 4.5
ISBN 978-973-8319-95-0
Foreword by Apostolos G. PAPAIOANNOU
Translation by Valeriu MARDARE
Epilogue by Andreas RADOS
Preface by the author
ANNA TABAKI, Despre Iluminismul neoelen. Curente de idei şi canale de comunicare cu gândirea occidentală / Greek Enlightenment. Trends and Communication with Western Thought
Translation by Elena LAZĂR. Foreword by Pashalis M. KITROMILIDES
Preface by the author
2015, 216 p., € 6.5
ISBN 978-973-8319-91-2
LEANDROS VRANOUSIS, Rigas Velestinlis. Bilingual edition
Edition Dr. Dimitrios KARAMBEROPOULOS
Translation by Elena LAZĂR
2015, 64 p.+16 p. colour illustrations
ISBN 978-973-8319-92-9
Oi Roumanoi ghia ton Zappa (The Romanians about Zappas). In Greek
Foreword by Georgios I. DOLIANITIS. Translation by Alexandra LOUIZOU and Ştefan PETRESCU
2015, 128 p.+ 16 p. colour illustrations
ISBN 978-973-8319-93-6
KOSTAS ASIMAKOPOULOS, Frunze risipite ale vieţii mele. Memorii / Dispersed Leaves of My Life. Memoirs
Edition by Elena LAZĂR. Translation by Diana CĂRBUREAN, Elena LAZĂR, Cornelia MITEA
2015, 198 p., € 4.5
ISBN 978-973-8319-94-3
NESTOR CAMARIANO, Athanasios Hristopoulos. Viaţa, opera literară şi influenţa sa asupra unor literaţi români / Athanasios Hristopoulos. His Life, Literary Work and Influence on the Romanians Writers
2014, 274 p., €.8.6
ISBN 978-973-8319-76-9
GEORGETA FILITTI , Bucureştiul grecesc / The Greeks of Bucharest .
Bilingual edition
Forewords by Academician Răzvan THEODORESCU, Academician Evangelos MOUTSOPOULOS.
Second edition. Translation by Tudor Dinu
2014, 208 p. , € 22.
ISBN 978-973-8319-89-9
ELENI LADIA, Legătură fragmentară / Fragmental Relationship
Translation by Claudiu SFIRSCHI-LĂUDAT.
Preface by the author
2014, 212 p., € 5.2
ISBN 978-973-8319-90-5
Un cărturar cipriot la Bucureşti / A Cypriot Scholar in Bucharest
EPAMINONDAS FRANGOUDIS (1829-1897), Discursuri/ Speeches
Bilingual edition
Introductory study by: Theodosis PYLARINOS. Edition and chronology by: Elena LAZĂR. Translation by Mihai ŢIPĂU
2014, 304 p.+ 16 p. colour illustrations, € 7.5
ISBN 978-973-8319-88-2


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